Latest Thriving Idealist Newsletter![UNIQID]

This Time Next Year, I Want To Celebrate This “Even the sharpest knife can not sharpen itself.” – African Proverb One of my favorite Annual review exercises is highlighting things I wish to celebrate. I am not one who pauses to celebrate often. In fact I am usually a “Done, Done , Onto The Next One!” like the Foo Fighters sing. But every year, when planning my next year on December 31st, I always write down what I wish to be celebrating this time next year. And then, that next year on December 31st, during my celebrating highlights I see if that one thing is among what I am celebrating. This exercise is a gamechanger. It helps keep me focused on what matters to me or meaningful goals that I am likely to procrastinate or avoid because I am too scared of how big the dream is. This year, among other wins, I am celebrating 3 major things that have been on my bucket list for years: Starting the podcast (The interviews I have recorded so far are beyond my dreams), Publishing on Kevin MD site and being interviewed for the Kevin MD podcast and Teaching a semester at Cal State University. But what I am really celebrating in my bones is my sense of deep alignment with my values that I have really show up as myself, cultivate deep strong friendships, alignment in myself, work and community, explore my curiosities and serve in a deeper way that I have aspired to. It makes sense, because I ramped up my own inner work over the last few years with coaching, accountability, mentoring, friendships and loving support in my own life. I actively allowed myself to ask for help and to receive more than I ever have. At the beginning of our coaching relationship, I often ask my new coaching clients if nothing changes in a year what would your life look like? How about 5 years? It allows them to see what would happen, if they stayed in status quo without beginning the journey of learning and embodying the skills and practices to creating, sustaining and thriving in the life they want as they make their positive impact in the world. If the status quo remained, they say things like “I would be burned out.” “I would be dead.” “I would be really sick.” “I would probably lose my marriage and my kids.” “I would have to quit my career and everything I sacrificed my life for.” With my coaching support, they design the lives they want and we create practices, alignment plans and skills for embodying them and meeting their goals and dreams. How about you? What was your life like this time last year? 5 years ago? Any different from now? More aligned? Less? If less aligned with the life you desire, it might be time to get some support. As Africans say, “Not even the sharpest knife can sharpen itself. What were you like last year? How are you now? If you are not feeling the way you want, you are 100% in control. You get to choose what you want. You get to choose. This concept completely changed my life – I get to choose. I get to choose my response. No one is coming to save me. I get to decide to get help, change my schedule, say no. I give myself permission to live the life that is calling me. Is it hard? Yes, sometimes mindnumbingly hard. But the alternative is worse. The cost is too high to live out of alignment. So, What would you like your life to be like this time next year? In 5 years? How would you finish the sentence “This time next year, I want to celebrate…” ? Writing the book? Creating a work schedule that works for you and your family? Letting go of a position or role that no longer serves you? Getting that certification? A happier more connected marriage? More time for you personally? Joining the band? Dating again? Finding your community and building mutually nourishing friendships? If whatever you were doing this time last year did not work, and you find yourself in the same position or worse, consider that you are doing the best you can. Not because you were lazy or not working hard enough. Sometime, you simply need support. We all have our blind spots. As my mentor Charlie Gilkey said “you can’t read the label from inside the jar.” Who am I? I have been coaching for a decade as a personal and executive coach, certified in multiple evidence-based coaching modalities including positive psychology (all things thriving and flourishing), Unbeatable Mind (mental toughness and emotional resilience – I was trained by a Navy SEAL Commander Mark Divine) and Daring Way/ Dare To Lead (all things Brene Brown’s research), Optimize Heroic coaching (all things helping the hero, the mission-driven optimize their life.) I am deeply passionate about helping helper-leaders thrive, mission-driven heart-centered individuals who have sacrificed everything to make a difference in the world and find themselves needing some support themselves in living the life they want. I have served mostly physicians but increasingly being asked by amazing humans from various professional backgrounds. Take some time to reflect and journal on the questions I posed above as your year draws to a close. If you find that you are needing support on your journey, I’ve got you. I am here to support you in living the life you want. You deserve it. Sign up for coaching with a consultation session – a powerful 75 minutes to really hold space, assess your needs, bring clarity and create a plan of support for you. These are different from discovery calls. My consultations sessions are designed to bring you clarity, hope and a way forward. I don’t do discovery calls because those very short sessions are designed to make you feel anxious and not enough unless you buy the coaching. Sign Up Now before the busyness and chaos pull you away for another year. If group coaching is more your preference, Sign Up for TIME – The Thriving Idealist Mastermind Experience. Click image or Scroll Below for details. I know it’s hard right now. There is a way through. You can find respite and hope even in what’s going on with you. As always, if you are struggling or know someone mission driven and heart-centered who has sacrificed a lot to make a difference and is struggling, or just want support on your journey, or to help you transition to the next level of your journey reply to this email. You are not alone. Do not go through this holiday season without support if you need it. You Matter. I see you, I love you and you belong. I am glad you are here. Sending you love, peace and strength and looong hugs, Yvonne ![]() Flashback to August 2014. Celebrating my younger self who was crazy enough to start the journey to living the life I want, doing work I absolutely love and crossing off my #1 bucket list item at the time – meeting Oprah! A life-changing experience! For TIME, continue reading for details. Thriving Idealist Mastermind Experience (TIME). A six month small group coaching and community experience to build the skills so you can lead well and feel strong while living your values. Beginning Jan 17th, 2023 ![]() You work hard. You chose this. But you’re TIRED. You have sacrificed a lot of time and energy to train yourself to help people, to make a positive impact in the world. And you do… but now you seem to spend all your time working. And when you are not working? You’re catching up frantically with the rest of your life – partner, kids, chores, extended family, logistics, etcYou are usually the reliable one, the strong one everyone goes to when they need help. But you find when you need help, you have no one to talk to…. not at your level… — you don’t mean that in a bragging way. It’s just that you have attained a level of achievement that many aspire to but few know of the unique challenges that accompany your path, behind the scenes. Everyone is used to being helped by you, so when you ask for help…they feel ill-equipped. Or just weird… You want to do the inner work that you KNOW needs to happen. You’ve already started down the path of learning how to create boundaries, how to prioritize self-care in a realistic way, emotional resilience, harmonizing work life and personal life. But you know there’s more to do. And for once, you wish you could be doing it alongside other people. You try to make friends. But it’s hard! Shallow talk bores you but you find you have nothing to talk about with the people around you beyond that. Or when people find out what you do for a living, they are intimidated. So you shrink yourself. You have spent so much time on your professional journey, you haven’t had the bandwidth to develop friendships and mentorships to support you. You are surrounded by people but you feel lonely. You pick up the phone but you don’t know whom to call. The friends you have are great but their values are not really aligned with yours. They’re not doing their inner work and don’t really get what you’re talking about when you describe the life you want… You are going through difficult times and you realize no one really has your back. Or maybe you are accomplishing great things but you can’t really celebrate or share because you don’t want to outshine those around you. So you dim your light. Or maybe you have big goals and dreams and really want support in creating the life you want. But when you try and share them with the people in your life, they either always say what they think you want to hear… …or are so judgmental and critical, picking apart everything you do that you feel unsafe about sharing your truth about your desires and struggles. What if it was different? What would it feel like to have an intimate community of mission-driven, empathetic, heart-centered humans like you who are committed to walking alongside you and each other? What would it feel like to be able to let your hair out, show up fully, authentically, imperfectly and in all your brilliance and be met with love, empathy, non-judgment, resonance and belonging? What would it feel like to be supported with a plan, equipped with skills and held accountable as you do your work toward creating the life you want without having to dim your light or shrink your dreams? What would it feel like to just be? To know you belong, are accepted, valued and loved, without having to perform, earn or hustle for worthiness? What would it feel like to have the time, space and safety and access to cultivate the resources, tools and skills to create the life you want? What would it feel like to have a place where you are celebrated for your wins and encouraged and supported during your losses? What would it feel like to have people who tell you the truth in a loving, non-judgmental yet direct way? What would it feel like being able to confidently show up in all arenas of your life and use your voice knowing that you have a community that has your back? It would feel like being in the Thriving Idealist Mastermind Experience (TIME)! It’s about TIME you had the support you give to everyone and develop the skills to design the life you want to live! The Thriving idealist Mastermind experience is a 6 month group coaching experience. It includes seminars and workshops on skills for thriving personally and professionally as you make your positive impact in the world — without succumbing to overwhelm, overwork, disillusionment, compassion fatigue or burnout. This will be an intimate group of 4-6 mission-driven, heart-centered humans. You will walk alongside one another, learning shared language and doing your work for 6 months. We will begin with a virtual retreat on Jan 21, 8am-12pm Pacific. Over the 4 hours, we’ll have sessions on things like Reviewing 2022, Clarifying Priorities, Goals and Dreams for 2023, Designing the life you want and of course getting to know one another! During our 6 months together, There will be Group coaching and teaching of all the topics I coach in personal, leadership and organizational development doing the work from the methodologies I am certified in: Positive Psychology, Daring Way, Rising Strong, Dare to Lead, Sparketype Advising, Unbeatable Mind coaching(mental toughness and emotional resilience), Heroic Optimize Coaching (I know, I know… #nerdlife) We will explore and practice positive psychology tools, breath work, visualizations and meditations, plus experiential work (finding joy at work, self trust, boundaries, values, strengths, permissions, rising strong from failure, having hard conversations, giving engaged feedback, showing up in the arena, taking off the armor, cultivating square squads and meaningful connections, life design, future me embodiment, plus restorative, restful and rejuvenative practices etc together. If you have attended my Respite Sessions or workshops you have an idea of what I am describing. Ready to give yourself the gift of TIME now? Click here to secure your spot. Want to chat about it first? I’d love to! Click here to book a free, no obligation 20 minute call with me. When you sign up, you make a PACT with yourself. You PLEDGE to ACT: To ALIGN, CONNECT and TRAIN. You will have access to the Thriving Idealist Cultivating Academy library. You go at your own pace and you don’t have to do them all. I will cover the fundamentals during our sessions. ALIGN: 6 MODULES: MODULE 1 – SELF-DEVOTION: PERMISSIONS and COMMITMENTS including self-compassion, empathy, authenticity and permission slips.This will help you lay the foundation of commitment to yourself. You will design the life you want from a strong foundation. MODULE 2 – Rumbling with Vulnerability – Taking Off the Armor, Cultivating Shame Resilience and Grounded Confidence.This is The foundational skill for courageous living, loving and leadership. MODULE 3 – DESIGNING THE LIFE YOU WANT – Future Me exercises, Obituary, Mission, Purpose, Dreams.This makes sure you’re moving on track to get to where you ACTUALLY want to be, not where everyone (or society) says you should be. MODULE 4 – PRIORITIES This will help you focus your days NOW in the right places, so you get more done in less time (and actually enjoy the process!) MODULE 5 – VALUES If you’ve worked with me before, you’ll know that burnout occurs when you’re out of alignment with your values. This will help keep you on track to stay away from burnout (or pull you out of it if you’re already close) with actions to embody your values. MODULE 6 – STRENGTHS We’ll get clear on what they are and how they empower you so you can build your life sustainably. MODULE 7 – ALIGNMENT INTEGRATION – Boundaries, Living BIG & Embodiment, Values X Strengths Integration and operationalizationThis is where it all comes together to make it work for YOU! 2. CONNECT – 6 MODULES MODULE 7 – SELF -CONNECTION – Reconnecting to yourself in a deeper way. Remembering who you are, what makes you you and what brings you joy MODULE 8 – EMPATHY – Empathy, Empathy Misses, Hard Conversations and Engaged Feedback MODULE 9 – SELF-TRUST – Learning to trust yourself and becoming your own strongest ally, learn how to be a safe space for yourself with non-judgment MODULE 10 – TRUST RELATIONSHIPS AT WORK AND HOME MODULE 11- BUILDING SQUARE SQUADS and COMMUNITY MODULE 12 – CONNECTION INTEGRATION – Communities Of Practice 3. TRAIN – 6 MODULES MODULE 13 – DEVELOPING THE 5 ARENAS OF AN INTEGRATED LIFE – Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual & Intuition MODULE 14 – CREATING CONSISTENT SUSTAINABLE ALIGNED HABITS USING THE DISCIPLINES OF THE WARRIOR MODULE 15- CREATIING PRACTICES FOR MORNING RITUALS MODULE 16 – CREATING PRACTICES FOR NIGHT TIME RITUALS MODULE 17 – PRACTICES FOR DEVELOPING EMOTIONAL RESILIENCE MODULE 18 – THE BIG 4 OF MENTAL TOUGHNESS BONUS MODULES: MODULE 19 : RISING STRONG FROM FAILURE MODULE 20: CULTIVATING PRACTICE as a WAY OF LIFE – Perfectionism, Consistency, Process, and Integration.The mastermind will be no more than 10-12 humans broken into smaller huddles of3- 4 integrity partners and paired into 2 empathic buddies. The first 10 to sign up between now and December 30th, will receive 6 free one on one coaching sessions with me worth $3000. You can begin using your coaching sessions as soon as you sign up! Ready to be one of those ten? Click here to secure your spot. Want to chat about it first? I’d love to! Click here to book a free, no obligation 20 minute call with me. All participants will have Access to all teaching videos, coaching videos and all the recordings from all the previous respite sessions.You will also receive access the Values workshop We will meet for 2 hour sessions every two weeks for 6 months, on alternate Tuesdays at 5pm PT The Early Bird investment for TIME is $6000. (Price will go up to $7500 after December 31st.) Remember: if you’re one of the first 10 to sign up, If you sign up NOW, you can use some or all of your coaching sessions for support if you struggle during the holidays and need a safe, nonjudgmental, supportive space. I know my square squad has saved mine again and again by helping me remember who I am in the face of the lies of shame, disappointment, loneliness and failure, to celebrate my wins and just show up as myself as I continue to do my inner work! Are you ready to finally have the support you need to build the tools you know can change your life? Secure your spot HERE No Refunds. Payment can be transferred to another program, workshop or coaching package of equal value. Payment plans are available. |
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![]() Book A Consultation SessionBook Here! ![]() Sign UP for the THRIVING IDEALIST MASTERMIND EXPERIENCE (TIME)!Sign Up Here! ![]() Book Me To Speak at Your Event or Run a Dare To Lead Workshop for Your Team! Schedule A Chat |
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