Painful Dilemmas
Bring Fear and Uncertainty
But there’s Always Hope!
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku #365days of haiku
Daily Haiku – #WeAllBleedRed
A social construct,
Race does not even exist…
We built this prison.
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku #365daysofhaiku
Daily Haiku – #DangerOfASingleStory #ChimamandaAdichieWasRight
#DangerOfASingleStory #ChimamandaAdichieWasRight
Some will prejudge you…
But Labels don’t define you…
Write Your Own Story!
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku #365daysofhaiku
Daily Haiku – #ColorLines
I look around me
And I feel the frustration…
Segregation Sucks!
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
Daily Haiku – #GodinYouAndMe
When I look at You…
I see the Divine Image…
Staring back at me!
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
Daily Haiku – #Catch22
Angry Black Woman…
Would the world listen to you
Any other way?
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
Daily Haiku – #MemorialDay
Thank you dear Soldiers
For Sacrificing your lives
So I can live mine.
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
Daily Haiku – #IntelligentDesign
Fractals everywhere!
A Divine Intelligence
Crafts the Universe.
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku #365DaysofHaiku
Daily Haiku – #Seeker
I write these haikus…
Not as one with the answers
But one who questions…
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
Daily Haiku – #JustDoIt
Commit to the Work.
Temporary Discomfort
For Future Reward
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
Daily Haiku – #ViceVersa
We are connected…
Our fine web reverberates –
Your cause, my effect!
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
Daily Haiku – #AttitudeOfGratitude
A shortcut to joy…
being thankful changes things.
Celebrate your life!
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
Daily Haiku – #JustOneStep
Sometimes all seems lost…
There is one thing you CAN do –
Take the next right step!
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
Yvonne Whitelaw writes for Yvonnewhitelaw.com where she blogs about her quest to grow into her ideals in her “Live Your Ideals Project”. By sharing her Daily Haikus and lessons along the way (most Mondays and Thursdays), she hopes to serve and inspire a tribe of wholehearted idealists like you, to “live your ideals, thrive in your calling and change the world.”
Daily Haiku – #Killing140
My life would begin…
“If I weighed 0ne-forty pounds.”
What is your excuse?
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
Yvonne Whitelaw writes for Yvonnewhitelaw.com where she blogs about her quest to grow into her ideals in her “Live Your Ideals Project”. By sharing her Daily Haikus and lessons along the way (most Mondays and Thursdays), she hopes to serve and inspire a tribe of wholehearted idealists like you, to “live your ideals, thrive in your calling and change the world.”
Daily Haiku – #TheOverflow
Take care of your Self…
Don’t serve from an empty tank –
Fill up to pour out!
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
Daily Haiku – #Receive
Open up your heart
Your desires will find you…
Prepare to receive.
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
Daily Haiku – ThankYouJesus
Through the darkest nights…
Despair, brokenness and fear
Your Love sustains me!
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
Daily Haiku – #ChasingMuses
The elusive Dream…
Never too late to become
Who you really are!
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
Daily Haiku – #TheBeatles
Instant Nostalgia…
Listening to The Beatles
Soul, Longing for Home…
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
Daily Haiku – #MeditatingWithKC #Part2 #UnpluggedAndTunedIn
#MeditatingWithKC #Part2 #UnpluggedAndTunedIn
Beyond the static,
Lies a Signal clear and true…
Stillness leads you there
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku