Thursday, September 29th, 2022 at 5pm PT, 8pm ET, An Interactive Workshop on ZOOM

You are overwhelmed, and it’s no surprise. You’re having to do a LOT.
Work is insane right now. You’re being asked to do more and more and more, with less time and fewer resources. Unless you want everything to fall apart, you can’t drop any balls.
And delegating? Forget about it. There’s no one you can trust to do it the way they’re supposed to. Maybe you’ve even tried in the past to hand stuff off, only to find you have to wade in and course correct. Even more work for you, leaving you even more behind.
You’re so overloaded that you find yourself neglecting other people: your patients or clients and your family.
You hate the way you’re treating your family. You’re crabby with your kids and your spouse. Honestly, it’s sometimes hard not to be when you’ve spent all day carrying all the slack at work, only to come home and find you have to do everything there, too. You find yourself dropping passive-aggressive comments that you they’ll pick up on, you hope will make you feel better, but they always just make you feel worse.
You don’t take time for yourself. Are you kidding?? You have so much to do, how could you justify it? And anyway, doing something “for fun” feels so alien that… you’ve kind of forgotten what fun is anymore. When you try and relax (at a party, at home), you find yourself unable to. Your mind is constantly racing with all there is to do.
You don’t have time for friendships. You find the ones you had are falling by the wayside. Honestly? You’re lonely. When the stuff hits the fan, you don’t know who to turn to.
You’re starting to suspect life doesn’t have to be like this. That maybe you should be saying “no” more.
But it’s not that easy! There are consequences to saying no. So, you just keep on keeping on, hoping that everyone else will get their act together or your work will somehow magically procure more resources or that, maybe, the little sleep you’re getting will start to feel like enough.
You’re right that it doesn’t have to be like this.
Things can be different — no magic required.
Imagine getting up in the morning feeling… calm.
Imagine hanging out with your family at breakfast and enjoying it. No yelling or snapping. Just quality time.
Imagine feeling great about your partner in ALL the ways, because your labor at home feels fair.
Imagine if everyone at home is pulling their weight *without being asked*. No I am not joking!!
Imagine if that’s happening at work, too. People step in when they need to and you’re able to trust them to do the job well. Every day, instead of running around like a headless chicken, you’re able to clearly prioritize and clarify what’s the important work you should be doing .
There are disasters. You make mistakes. Life is life! But instead of getting derailed, you bounce back.
You get out of work on time. I KNOW!
And once you’re home, it’s a joy to be there. You laugh more. You play more! Instead of bingeing TV to numb out, you’re able to enjoy watching it.
You start to build (or rebuild) friendships. You have the time and bandwidth to cultivate them — with people you actually like!
Sometimes, you even go on vacation. *And* relax!
This is a life you can have RIGHT NOW.
This is a life you can have even if the place where you work is stretched for resources. Even if the people you work (or live) with seem, right now, to be a bunch of lazy…. you-know-whats.
On Thursday, September 29th, 2022 at 5pm PT, 8pm ET, I’m running an online workshop on Guilt-Free Boundary Setting. Because when you can get good at that *everything* around you shifts.
In this highly interactive and practical two-hour workshop, we’ll talk about what it is you have to put in place to develop this skill.
We’ll cover what you have to do advance of making even one boundary — and we’ll DO that work *during the workshop itself* so you’re immediately ready.
You know that thing where you agree to do something, but you wish you didn’t have to, and you feel like garbage?
I call that a “Dirty Yes”. I’m going to show you how to say, instead of a “Dirty Yes”, a “Clean No” — a boundary that is a gift *even to the person you’re saying no to.*
I’ll share my three tools for setting effective and guilt-free boundaries. Most importantly, I’ll show you how to
– catch you breath
– find your calm
– fill your cup
You’ll leave with some concrete steps for how to move your days from overwhelm, exhaustion and resentment to calm, focus and genuine happiness.
When you sign up, you will also receive the Values Workshop recording and workbook valued at $497 for free. This will help you prepare for your boundaries work. You can’t put up the fence and gate if you don’t know where your yard is or territory starts and ends! You can’t set boundaries if you don’t know your values!
This interactive, transformative workshop happens on Thursday, September 29th, 2022 at 5pm PT, 8pm ET
Ready to start enjoying your work and your life again?