Last call for Dare To Lead workshop starting June 7th, 2021! (Some wanted to know more and asked me to share. You are invited and I hope you can join me! If you were waiting for a sign, this is it!)
“Who we are is how we lead.” – Brene Brown
You have been looking forward to this day. Pandemic has been rough. Finally! The world is opening up. Everyone is transitioning back to in-person activities at work and in life. Trying to navigate. Lots going on. So weird but fun moving out of Zoom-land. So many changes and so much catching up to do. Now you get to do all the things you haven’t been able to do for the past 15 months.
But you feel tired, unmotivated yet overwhelmed, overstimulated and have a hard time concentrating… You went into the pandemic sure about who you are, what you do, where you are headed. But the pandemic stripped a lot away. And now as you exit the tunnel of the pandemic, excited to return to normal, you find that nothing is the same. Everything is different – including you. And yet, you are supposed to operate as usual at work, home, parenting, love… Business as usual, productivity as usual, profit as usual… But what about the people? Family died, marriages got rocky “failed”, work changed, jobs lost, kids developed mental health issues… Now everything feels harder, awkward, out of sorts. You feel scattered, lacking confidence, uncertain and not really feeling in touch with yourself or the world. .
You seek a way out. Numb, escape, avoid… It’s summer! So you plan the vacations, binge on Netflix, self medicate with wine, shopping, food, but deep down you know these are temporary fixes. You will return to the problem after a week or two of vacation. You will be roughly in the same position after the numbing, escaping and avoiding.
I hear you. I see you.
For over a decade I have been on a mission to help highly skilled mission-driven individuals overcome disillusionment, overwhelm, compassion fatigue and burnout to thrive while making their positive impact in the world.
Personally and professionally, the pandemic was rough for me with reckonings in every arena of my life – parenting, race, faith, identity, work. Steeping even deeper into this work as I taught, coached, facilitated saved me again and again. I was able to show up for myself, children, work and my community when fetal position would have been completely understandable. I am deeply grateful for it!
So, I know, there is a way forward with clarity and purpose.
You will need a strong practice, an evidence-based framework and community to help you get through the next 3 – 6 months.
I invite you to a more aligned option. At the request of a previous participant of my Rising Strong workshop who wanted even more, I am offering my 12 week Dare To Lead online workshop starting June 7th.
You will learn all the skills for brave leadership and courageous cultures at work and home including transitioning from Armored leadership to Daring Leadership, Rising Strong from Failure and Setbacks, Living into Our Values, Braving Trust, Rumbling with Vulnerability.
I Invite you to join a group of mission-driven professionals in learning the skills for answering your personal call to courage, the call to show up and live your life fully, the call to brave leadership.
“Yvonne, I am too tired to take care of myself, much less lead anyone. I am not a leader. Why should I attend your Dare to Lead workshop?”
“A Leader is anyone at ANY level who takes responsibility for finding the potential in people and processes adn has the courage to develop that potential.” – Brene Brown
This is about learning how to show up as you are. A leader is not a title.
I say, dare to show up – Show up for yourself. Show up for those you love and serve.
What if in place of feeling lost, you discovered your compass, your values and learned how to live them?
What if in place of feeling stuck and paralyzed by the setbacks, disappointments and failures, you learned to grieve, learn from the experiences, rise strong from them and thrive?
What if instead of shutting down, people pleasing or lashing out, you had hard conversations, expressed clear boundaries and gave constructive feedback in an aligned way?
What if instead of leading from a place of self-protection and hiding, you led from a place of vulnerability, courage, curiosity and grounded confidence?
Change is the biggest source of shame (not enoughness) in the workplace. What if instead of resisting change, you learned skills for feeling enough and accepting and embracing change?
What if instead of feeling suspicious and doubtful of everyone including yourself, you learned how to cultivate self-trust and build trustworthy partnerships and teams at work and home?
Throughout the pandemic, I have coached, trained and taught countless heart-centered, mission-driven professionals from various backgrounds on the principles of Dare To Lead through individual and group coaching, virtual workshops, keynotes and seminars.
Just in one day, I found myself coaching an OB physician on DTL strategies to help reduce pregnancy losses and infant deaths at her ER, a geriatrician leader returning to work after a baby, a team of OB docs desiring to improve hospital culture and applying what they learned to their residents and a pediatrician wanting to show up with her expertise in the trauma informed care space.
I do not only facilitate DTL in medicine. I help Clinical Scientists improve their leadership skills as their research becomes more renowned, responsibilities grow and their labs expand, I have helped non-profit organizations improve the morale of their heart-centered employees facing compassion fatigue and burnout by creating more courageous empathetic culture, helping teachers and administrators communicate better and improve outcomes for their students.
Needless to say, the Dare To Lead is a powerful framework and has been deeply transformative for those I serve.
You deserve to emerge from this Pandemic in a supportive, empowering and aligned way with skills for navigating this new normal and whatever it brings.
The virtual Workshop starts June 7th, every Monday for 12 weeks from 5pm-7pm Pacific. Use the code THRIVING for $500 off before June 5th at midnight. There are payment plans available. And if you have been hit financially by the pandemic and would like to participate on a pay what you can option, please email me directly at thrivingideals@gmail.com
To find out more details and register, visit my site in the comments below or directly sign up in the store link below. Here’s to you thriving!