A form of self-betrayal…
You are worth Your Time!
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
A form of self-betrayal…
You are worth Your Time!
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
No need to hustle
There’s enough for everyone
What is yours is yours!
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
Don’t hold too tightly…
Manipulation entraps
True love liberates!
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
P.S: On the way… Abundance (Part 2) – Perspective, Humility and the Power of Courageous Giving
Grief strikes suddenly…
A fresh cut to an old wound.
May time ease your pain.
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
At any moment,
A sacred window opens…
You can start again!
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
“You create your opportunities by asking for them.” – Shakti Gawain
What do you want?
Have you ever asked yourself this question? I was shocked to find out a few years ago that I had never asked myself this question. I had always been on autopilot. I had a plan. And I was doing everything I could to attain my goals. But I was shocked to find out I had never asked myself “What do you want?” And even more shocking was the realization that my answers were completely different from the goals I had set before me and was so tunnel-visioned about attaining.
What about you? Are you clear about what you want?
For me, the clarity about what I wanted brought some serious conflict. I had always lived with an attitude of surrender to God’s will. But I never really trusted that I would be supported in my true desires. I felt as if I would land in an eternal fiery punishment if I listened to my heart. God couldn’t possibly want me to have fun, could He? I mean look at how somber and morose other Christians were! I liked to laugh, dance, hang out with different kinds of people… Based on how I saw other Christians, I didn’t think I was acceptable this way. I didn’t fit in. So, I really didn’t think I could trust that God would give me my heart’s desires.
On the contrary…
I have been learning that because God loves us, and owns everything, abundance is a no-brainer. God wants us to live abundantly. I think of my children and how much I want to give them. And it gives me a tiny glimpse into how much God has in store.
But we have to trust that there is an abundant supply for us. There is enough. And one person’s receipt does not mean your deficit.
There is a catch though… You have to ask for what you want.
And this is where I struggle.
I am learning that I am not good at asking for help. In fact, it hardly ever occurs to me to ask. I was always a latch-key kid. So, I got used to taking care of myself.
If I needed anything, I took care of it without thinking. My number one strength is Strategic, so, I am always problem-solving. Whenever, I’m in a bind, my mind easily runs through several solutions until something works.
And the few times I have received help or been given something, there was always that feeling of owing and I hated being reminded of it all the time.
It’s even worse when guilt-tripped by that giver about what had been done for me.
So, not only did I stop asking, it stopped occuring to me to ask.
As I grew older and began meeting healthy, positive, reciprocal kindred, I still held on to my old habit of not asking for help. It had become so ingrained and unconscious that it recently took a few incidents to show me how serious of a problem I had developed.
The first was the time I arrived at my daughter’s carpool a 45 minutes earlier so I could get some work done in the car as my toddler slept. I was the first in a long line of cars waiting to pick their children. When carpool time arrived, I realized with horror that my car would not start. I had been listening to NPR in the cold, and had run my battery out. I sat there for several minutes trying to start the car before it occured to me to ask for help. I didn’t think anything of it.
Then a week later, it happened again – in the pouring rain. This time, I caught myself going through several solutions, all of which didn’t work, instead of asking for help. It was the first time I realized I was doing everything to avoid asking for help. I decided to break this dyfunctional habit and ask for help. After the 4th “No”, I was ready to throw in the towel. However, the 5th person, who incidentally was disabled and I nearly didn’t ask, said “Yes” and my car was jumpstarted immediately!
Although, I decided to buy another Car Battery in a hurry, I realized I really had a problem and I needed to do something about my inability and reluctance to ask for help.
Thankfully, I had an assignment for a business immersion course I am participating in. I was required to ask friends in my inner circle for a letter describing my strengths. I had sat paralyzed for weeks without sending out the requests – afraid that I had no friends who loved me enough to participate. Now that I had noticed my bad pattern, I challenged myself to ask ahead of the deadline. I nearly passed out with anxiety over it but I emailed out the requests. And I am now awaiting the responses.
My next ask is going to be a fundraiser for my 400 Thriving Physicians Project. I have bootstrapped all of my business activities to date so I will have to ask for help this time.
400 physicians commit suicide each year. For my project, I want to inspire 400 physicians and physicians-in-training to live their ideals and thrive in their medical calling. For each burned out, suicidal, compassion-fatigued and disillusioned physician, I want to inspire, equip, and empower One (or more) physician to become thriving, passionate, engaged and aligned with their ideals. I will be coaching and facilitating retreats, workshops and seminars. Majority of physicians go into tremendous debt for their education and spend the rest of their careers paying off those debts. So I intend to do some serious fundraising to serve them and not allow money to become a hindrance for those who want to participate and cannot afford to. I am in the middle of setting up a GoFundMe campaign. (I will update this page with the GoFundMe link) And I have had to dig really deeply for the courage to do so. For now, if interested in donating, please visit the donate page on my site. http://www.yvonnewhitelaw.com/?page_id=353
I am learning that I can’t have what I want or need, if I am not willing or courageous enough to ask.
Yes, this is a challenging lesson to learn. But I need to learn it. I desire to learn it.
I want to master this skill and I am very clear about it.
How about you?
Cultivating Abundance:
1. What do you really want?
2. What do you need to get clear about ?
3. In what ways do you trust that you will receive what you ask for?
4. In what ways do you doubt that you will receive what you want?
5. How good of an asker are you? In what ways can you improve?
6. What ask have you been avoiding?
7. What steps can you take right now to make your ask happen?
Asking is a very vulnerable and courageous act. It helps to remember that there is always more where that came from… the Universe is infinite and will not run out. Get clear, trust that you will be heard and ask. The answer might be unexpected but the timing is always right. See you next time!
Yvonne Whitelaw writes for Yvonnewhitelaw.com where she blogs about her quest to grow into her ideals in her “Live Your Ideals Project”. By sharing her Daily Haikus and lessons along the way (most Mondays and Thursdays), she hopes to serve and inspire a tribe of wholehearted humanitarians, visionaries and idealists like you, to “live your ideals, live your calling and change the world.”
“Man’s Search for meaning”
In my quest for Clarity –
A pivotal book!
Speak to your mountain…
Send it crashing into sea
Your words have power!
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
Out of Alignment
Grinding life without ideals…
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
Escape the Bubble…
Complacency Imprisons
Explore your Brilliance!
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
Mine an antidote
From the poison that ails you
You have all you need
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
“I’ll tell you what I want what I really really want… I really really really wanna zig-a-zig ah!” – Spice Girls
Updated Post coming as soon.
(In the meantime, take a few minutes to think about what you really want and have been avoiding asking for help. Then take a leap of faith and ask! Leave a comment about it went and we will compare notes! See you soon!)
Embrace your constraints…
Like lasers slicing metal
Focus shapens dreams
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
Embrace clarity
Let go of the distractions
Fight! Fight for your mind!
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
Dark night of the soul…
This nightmarish plight heralds
True Awakening!
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
You are invited
No need to change who you are
Grace is sufficient
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
Embrace the silence
When there’s nothing left to say
Intimacy blooms…
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
Here for a moment…
we smolder, fizzle and flash!
Then, we are no more.
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
“Let today be the day you learn the grace of letting go and the power of moving on.” – Steve Maraboli
This is one of the most challenging ideals I have faced so far… Over the last few posts, we have explored different facets of grace – all from a receptive posture.
For the past few days, I have been thinking about Grace in a different way… being a giver of grace, rather than a receiver.
How do we respond when someone has unintentionally offended us or harmed us? How do we respond to the mistakes of others? What do you do when someone falls short, shows their flaws for all to see or betrays you?
There’s the easy route…
Judgment… Condemnation… Derision… Snark…
Write off and shut them down… Cut them off…
Forgiveness… Compassion… Grace…
Sometimes it’s hard to forgive. We are called to forgive Seventy times seven times but that seems impossible.
Then, there’s the expression from Maya Angelou “When people show you who they really are, believe them and run.”
By all means, when someone is intentionally and habitually offensive and harmful, enforce those boundaries.
Those who fall short, who mistakenly, unintentionally wrong us and are repentant, deserve a second chance. Even a third or fourth…
We have all experienced grace in many forms… and to complete the cycle, we need to extend grace to others.
The thing is, we have all fallen short of the ideals we hold dear.
I have hurt others, and sometimes, I didn’t even know I offended them… Other times I have beaten myself up over an offense I thought I had committed, only to find out the person wasn’t offended. That was such a relief! But I wished I had confessed, apologized and sought forgiveness sooner – I would have found out there was nothing to forgive…
Other times, I hurt others deeply and apologized, but was not forgiven. When I have sought forgiveness and received it, it has been such a healing to my soul.
It is with this lens of grace that we ought to view others who fall short in our lives.
We look at the person with compassion. Compassion means “to suffer with…” Like Stephen Covey says, “Seek first to understand than to be Understood.” We empathetically put ourselves in the other person’s shoes. We try to understand where they are coming from. And then, forgive.
It feels good to bear a grudge. We want to punish others for the wrong they have done. But somewhere along the line, that enjoyment transforms into a noose. We die a slow death through unforgiveness. Unforgiveness becomes a prison and the prisoner is not the person who offended you. No, the prisoner is you!
And this is what I am learning. I have to extend grace to others. I need to apply grace periods to my relationships with others and with myself.
When others do not meet my expectations, instead of immediately cutting them off, I want to view them with eyes of compassion, forgive them and extend their grace periods. I know that those who truly value the relationship will appreciate and respect the grace periods and repent if necessary.
“But Yvonne, what about those who keep offending me again and again?”
Yes, it can be frustrating when people intentionally and habitually let you down. This is what boundaries are for and you practice self-compassion when you enforce them.
I think bringing this awareness to our relationships is important – we need to remember that we fall short just as often as the others. I will inadvertently make a mistake. And I hope that I will be forgiven. And I hope that I can exercise self-compassion and forgive myself too.
Life can be challenging. But being surrounded by those who love you and are willing to believe the best about you and extend grace to you, can make life sweet in the middle of all the pain and suffering that comes our way. The burdens feel so much lighter when shared with others who chose forgiveness and compassion instead of condemnation and judgment.
This is how I want to live. What about you?
Cultivating Grace and extending it to Others:
1. When have you extended grace to others? How did it feel?
2. In what ways can you practice compassion with those who offend you?
3. What grudges are you still nursing?
4. What would forgiveness look like for you?
5. What relationships do you need to apply grace periods to ?
6. In what ways do you need to practice self-compassion and forgive yourself?
7. Whom can you enlist to hold you accountable in your practice of extending grace to others?
We have all committed offenses, hurt others and fallen short of the ideals we hold dear. Knowing this, we can recognize our flawed selves reflected in our relationships. When others offend, hurt, or betray us, remembering our boundaries while exercising grace is a skill that comes with practice. I hope you will practice self-compassion as you (initially) awkwardly try to master extending grace to others. WE ALL STUMBLE, but we are here to help pick one another up. See you next time!
Yvonne Whitelaw writes for Yvonnewhitelaw.com where she blogs about her quest to grow into her ideals in her “Live Your Ideals Project”. By sharing her Daily Haikus and lessons along the way (every Monday and Thursday), she hopes to serve and inspire a tribe of wholehearted humanitarians, visionaries and idealists like you, to “live your ideals, live your calling and change the world.”
When lost in the dark,
Let your values be your guide
Back into the Light.
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku