Cultivate Stillness…
Amid the chaos and noise,
Find Tranquility!
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
Cultivate Stillness…
Amid the chaos and noise,
Find Tranquility!
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
Sacred Volition
A Love Unconditional
Happy Mother’s Day!
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
#BreneBrownIsRight #2 #Authenticity
Don’t puff up and don’t shrink back…
Stand your Sacred ground.”
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
Let go of the clutter…
It entangles, drains, weighs down…
Strip it all away!
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
Trust Divine Timing…
The bud you seek to blossom
has its due season.
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
There’s more than enough
Your shine does not reduce mine
but enhances it!
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
Purify my heart,
as I heed Your sacred call…
Let Your will be done.
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
How to be mindful?
Let what you do “fill your mind”…
Be FULLY present.
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
Not just a moment…
Physical Desecration
Tarnishes the Soul
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
Hidden In Plain SIght,
The Happy Bubbly Person
Craves and Needs Your Love.
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
Stephanie The Great…
Her Quiet Revolution
Creates Belonging!
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofguitar
In the pouring rain…
The “cripple” I had pitied
Jumpstarted my car!
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
#TheAftermath #BaltimoreRiots
Hard conversations…
Don’t exchange your pain for blame
Time to Reconcile…
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
Your pain is valid
But violence betrays you…
Find a better way!
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
Shame grows in the dark.
Own your story, dare to share…
Your light ignites mine!
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
Do not waste your pain
Harness it to serve others…
It might save your life!
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
Love Overflowing
Cake! Dancing, laughter, Dreams come true…
Best Birthday Ever!
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku
Preparing for Abundance can be downright difficult.
It is easy to think of the harvest as just a windfall of all you desire. But as they say, be careful what you wish for…
Just like winning the lottery, if you get an abundance without preparation, you could be in for some heartbreak and pain.
Winning the lottery requires discernment in investment, budgeting, saving, giving…
The road to the harvest is a lot of work…
Pruning – You have to prune the habits that inhibit or no longer serve you… You have to get rid of weeds of your life – bad influences, drainers, negativity…
Fallow – Rest and rejuvenation can be especially challenging for those of us who are driven and ambitious and so anxious to make a positive impact in the world that we don’t know when to stop. But sometimes you have to rest and sharpen the saw in order to be more effective…
Trellising – You have to cultivate healthy habits, creating a strong infrastructure that can feel limiting… Trellising provides strength for weak branches and to support vines and their fruit. What constraints do you need to embrace in your life?
Just something to think about… More on this post coming soon…
I have been very busy with coaching physicians for my thriving physician project, www.gofundme.com/thrivingphysician
Yvonne Whitelaw writes for Yvonnewhitelaw.com where she blogs about her quest to grow into her ideals in her “Live Your Ideals Project”. By sharing her Daily Haikus and bi-weekly lessons along the way (most Mondays and Thursdays), she hopes to serve and inspire a tribe of wholehearted humanitarians, visionaries and idealists like you, to “live your ideals, live your calling and change the world.”
Daughters run about…
Squeals echoing through the home…
Playtime with Daddy!
#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku