Live with Abandon…
Fully Trusting Grace to hold you –
even when you fall
#HaikuRx #yvonnetrieshaiku #365daysofhaiku #100daysofhaiku #Haiku365
Live with Abandon…
Fully Trusting Grace to hold you –
even when you fall
#HaikuRx #yvonnetrieshaiku #365daysofhaiku #100daysofhaiku #Haiku365
Out of Alignment…
Living another’s ideals,
#HaikuRx #yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku #365daysofhaiku #Haiku365
Just a little more…
When you feel you can’t go on
Give another push.
#HaikuRx #yvonnetrieshaiku #365daysofhaiku #100daysofhaiku #Haiku365
Fear of letting go
tightens into stranglehold…
Love begins to die.
#HaikuRx #yvonnetrieshaiku #365daysofhaiku #100daysofhaiku #Haiku365
To yield any fruit,
In darkness and solitude –
The Seed suffers death.
#HaikuRx #yvonnetrieshaiku #365daysofhaiku #100daysofhaiku #haiku365
When Hope Dissipates
Like Dew on a Sunny Day…
Drink from Still waters…
#HaikuRx #yvonnetrieshaiku #365daysofhaiku #100daysofhaiku #Haiku365
Unplug from the Grid.
The deep connections you seek
Flourish in real life.
#HaikuRx #yvonnetrieshaiku #365daysofhaiku #haiku365 #100daysofhaiku
Like freshly pressed rose…
The fragrance of Solitude
Bodes good company.
#HaikuRx #yvonnetrieshaiku #Haiku365 #365daysofhaiku #100daysofhaiku
#FunPerspective #ScottDinsmoreWasRight #5of5
When things go awry
and your world turns upside-down,
Try doing handstands!
#yvonnetrieshaiku #HaikuRx #365daysofhaiku #100daysofhaiku #Haiku365
Legends never die…
As Breaths of inspiration,
They live on … in us!
#HaikuRx #yvonnetrieshaiku #365daysofhaiku #100daysofhaiku #haiku365
Ripples of Dinsmore…
Stirring Global Legends to
“Do work that matters.”
#yvonnetrieshaiku #365daysofhaiku
Today for the first time in over a year since my haiku a day quest began, I am repeating a haiku. #LiveYourLegend was originally written October 13th, 2014 to honor Scott Dinsmore whose Live Your Legend blog changed my life – He was one of my inspirations for this blog, Live Your Ideals Project. I am an avid reader of his blog, I have participated in every single course he has produced and I got to thank him in person at camp GLP for being such tremendous influence on me and my work. I served as a Live Your Legend host in Baltimore until my recent move to California 2 weeks ago.
Yesterday, I was devastated to learn that Scott died during his quest to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. He had been on a world tour to visit the various cities of his local Live Your Legend communities. A dearly beloved charismatic leader of integrity, brilliance and passion, Scott will be greatly missed. I will post more on his impact in my life tomorrow but I am currently working through some deep grief. My thoughts and prayers are with his wife Chelsea, his family and friends during this season of bereavement.
Tears are not enough…
Memories of your laughter
Soothe my grieving heart.
Patience is Sacred…
Knowing the ONE you await
Is Always on Time.
#HaikuRx #yvonnetrieshaiku #365daysofhaiku #100daysofhaiku #Haiku365
Exit the Rat race
While some jostle the same track,
Stay in your own lane.
#HaikuRx #yvonnetrieshaiku #365daysofhaiku #100daysofhaiku #Haiku365
Ditch Hypocrisy.
Creating change in the world
Starts in the mirror.
#HaikuRx #yvonnetrieshaiku #365daysofhaiku #100daysofhaiku #Haiku365
Even in Dark Times
You can always find one thing
to be thankful for…
#HaikuRx #yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku #365daysofhaiku #Haiku365
A willing shoulder,
For another to cry on –
Suffering prepares.
#HaikuRx #yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku #365daysofhaiku #Haiku365
Hard to say Goodbye…
Though the Pain feels eternal,
You will Love again.
#HaikuRx #yvonnetrieshaiku #365daysofhaiku #100daysofhaiku #Haiku365
Unforeseen defeat…
When weary of life’s battles
Retreat to Recoup.
#HaikuRx #yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku #365daysofhaiku #Haiku365
Hitting rock bottom…
Opportunity to choose
the “Road less traveled”.
#HaikuRx #yvonnetrieshaiku #365daysofhaiku #100daysofhaiku #Haiku365