“If we are brave enough, often enough, we will fall.” – Brene Brown
Job Loss, Divorce, Loss of income… Loss, Failure, Grief…
The Covid-19 pandemic has brought us to an individual and a collective face-down moment.
How are we feeling?
Sad? Overwhelmed? Anxious? Exhausted? Disoriented?
How are we coping?
Numbing? Escaping? Busywork? Lashing out?

How do we rise strong from this moment and thrive again?
Join us in the Rising Strong online course starting Thursday Jan 13th, 2022, as we learn how to bounce back, heal and rise strong from life’s face-down moments with an 8 week dive into the Rising Strong curriculum by Dr. Brene Brown.
For the past several years, I have been coaching and teaching this work to mission-driven heart-centered professionals and leaders of diverse backgrounds including medicine, research, education and finance who see to thrive not only at work but also personally.

Learn the tools and skills of reckoning with the stories we tell ourselves when we fall, rumbling with emotions such as anxiety, grief, anger, frustration, shame, offloading hurt , learn how to cultivate trust through healthy boundaries, accountability, reliability, generosity, integrity, confidentiality and non-judgment.
Learn how to become more resilient, wholehearted and write a new ending to the stories we tell ourselves when we fail.

The course fee is $1497. But to acknowledge the moment for those who are struggling financially and need the work, I am offering a “Pay What You Can” option. Also, if you sign up before December 10th for the full amount, you can use the code RISING to get a discount (200 off) to $1297. The course fee also covers a $250 mandatory screening consultation.
The screening consultation ensures the safety of participants by exploring individual needs and interests, assessing coping agreements, current emotional state and existing emotional support for the individuals interested in the course.
Your full course payment of $1497 (Or Pay What You Can Amount) Covers:
The Rising Strong curriculum, workbook and supplies. (Value – $2500)
Online Workshop Sessions and office hours (Value – $7500)
8 weeks of connecting, growing and sharing heartfelt stories with a community of wholehearted kindreds in a positive, empathetic, safe and supportive space with a multi-certified professional who is passionate and well-versed in the work! (Value – Priceless!)
You will also be added to our own private FB group where you can connect and share stories before and after the Course so you can deepen the bonds of lifelong friendships you began.
Limited spots available – Only 10 participants allowed.

Week 1: Introduction, Clarity of Values
Week 2 The Reckoning, Offloading Hurt, Strategies for Reckoning with Emotion
Week 3: Act II: The Rumble, Common Rumbling Themes
Week 4: Rumbling with Vulnerability, Rumbling with Shame
Week 5: Rumbling with Living BIG, Trust and BRAVING
Week 6: Rumbling with Grief and Forgiveness, Rumbling with Anxiety and Criticism
Week 7: The Delta, Act III: The Revolution
Week 8: Integrating and Creativity
You deserve to rise again. You deserve to live aligned with your ideals. You deserve to thrive in all arenas of your life as you make your positive impact in the world.
Excited? So am I! I can’t wait to meet you!

Course begins Thursday, Jan 13th, 2022 and Ends Thursday March 10th, 2022.
Workshop: Thursdays at 4-5:30pm Pacific/7-8:30pm Eastern.
Office hours: weekly: Fridays at Noon Pacific, 3pm Eastern (optional)
REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS 11:59pm Pacific on Dec 31st, 2021! NO REFUNDS. Payments will be applied to another workshop, course or coaching sessions of equal value.
To sign up for the full amount, click HERE. Don’t forget to use RISING for a $200 discount before Dec 31st, 2021.
To sign up for a PAY WHAT YOU CAN amount, Click “Buy Now” below.
I am honored to help you do your work to rise strong from the falls, failures, transitions and setbacks of your life and thrive again. See you soon!
Yvonne Whitelaw, MD, MPH
Coach, Facilitator and Advocate for Physicians and Helping Professionals
Certified Daring Way Facilitator
Certified Dare To Lead Facilitator
Founder, Thriving Idealist
Founder, Thriving Physicians
“Grow into your ideals so that life will not rob you of them.” – Dr. Albert Schweitzer
“I don’t know what your destiny will be; but one thing I do know; the only ones among you who will be truly happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve.” – Dr. Albert Schweitzer